Saturday, July 14, 2012


I am back from a phenomenal conference in Las Vegas. I had hoped to post while I was there, but there just weren't enough hours in the day. My coworkers and I had so much fun and we learned so many new things that we can't wait to implement this next school year. If you ever get the chance to hear Kim Adsit, Deanna Jump, or Shari Sloane, I would highly recommend it. All three ladies were fabulous. I will post more soon, but now I have to get packed for the beach.

Saturday, July 7, 2012


The time to leave for the I Teach K! conference is finally here!!! My peeps and I leave tomorrow afternoon to fly to Las Vegas. We are all so excited. We have been texting each other like crazy about different things as we get ready. I am hoping to post daily with events from my day. Stay tuned......